ANSI Accreditation: Setting the Bar for Water Safety

ANSI Accreditation: Setting the Bar for Water Safety

When it comes to any product in our home that work to make our homes safer, to ensure that the water we are drinking is safe, and more, it is always important to ensure that the company making that product is properly accredited. ANSI, or the American National Standards Institute works to help accredit companies to give us some peace of mind.

What is ANSI?

The ANSI, or American National Standards Institute works to help offer accreditation for products that have been created to ensure that they meet the highest standards on the market. These accreditations help consumers be certain that the products they are purchasing are made well, that they meet all the standards that have been set forth, and that they are going to do what they claim to do.

Having ANSI accreditation helps companies to get government recognition, helps them to be recognized for the highest standard in certification, and can also help companies be recognized internationally for their processes. There are a few different steps to accreditation that are helpful to know if your company might decide to seek accreditation.

The first step is a self-assessment. This means that you as a company work to look at their own processes and that you are taking account of your process and your company. The next step is filling out your application. This is going to be a crucial step in that you are telling the ANSI what your company is, what you are doing, and why you are seeking accreditation.

Your third step is to offer your documents to the accreditation body so that they can do an overview of your company and your practices. This is important as it helps to establish that your company is following the standards that have been put forth by the accreditation body and that you are more likely to get approved.

The last step is going to be the process by which the accreditation company or body comes to do an on site assessment. This means they are going to be looking at your facility, your processes, your personnel and so on. This helps build the confidence of the body providing the accreditation so that you can start the accreditation process.

The ANSI also works to ensure that the standards are upheld for water quality. This means that products that are designed to help provide clean water or change the quality of the water to a home need to be accredited and they also need to meet the standards that have been set forth.

TyentUSA and ANSI Accreditation

TyentUSA has worked closely with the ANSI to ensure that each and every product that is created and provided to customers meets the stringent standards put forth by the ANSI. Each component of each product is tested and is created to provide customers with clean water that is going to be safe and healthy for daily use.

The claims of the overall health benefits of our water are clearly defined and fall in line with ANSI accreditation. Our company is fully ANSI accredited and we work daily to ensure that the products we are creating are high quality, that they are created to help our customers, and that we are providing the best products possible. Our water filtration systems are created with health and every day use in mind. We have created water filtration systems that not only provide clean water, but that also provide water that has been ionized for added potency and added health benefits. Water is essential to life, having the best water possible can make a huge difference in the overall health of you and your family.

About the author

Carlisle Edwards (Sr. Writer, Water Filtration) writes our content on water filtration, reverse osmosis, and avoiding waterborne contamination. He has experience in water and food safety and conducts microbiology research. He’s WaterAudit’s resident sports fan, and loves cheering on his local LA Galaxy soccer team.