About WaterAudit

We were tired of lazy product reviews. So, we fixed them.

Finding accurate information about the most effective water filters can be exhausting. Most product reviewers don’t have robust testing facilities, lack hands-on experience, and never use the products they suggest for you. We’re Different.

Our dedicated team brings deep experience in waterborne contamination, reverse osmosis filtration, microbiology, and alternative health practices.


Rosanne McLeod

Editor in chief

Rosanne is a co-founder of WaterAudit. She’s a passionate writer, editor, and home water safety advocate. In her spare time, she enjoys baking and participating in biological lab research on water contamination at her local university.

Mavis Hill

Technical Director

Mavis is a co-founder of WaterAudit. She’s a health-conscious mom of three who handles our website’s front and back-end development. When her kids aren’t busy being a handful, she likes to hike and cycle with her husband.

Quanella Fisher

Sr. Writer, Health & Lifestyle

Quanella is a healthy living advocate with a background in children and adult’s nutrition. She loves watching women’s tennis and can occasionally be convinced to pick up a tennis racquet herself. She writes our content on healthy living habits, lifestyle tips, and more.

Carlisle Edwards

Sr. Writer, Water Filtration

Carlisle writes our content on water filtration, reverse osmosis, and avoiding waterborne contamination. He has experience in water and food safety and conducts microbiology research. He’s WaterAudit’s resident sports fan and loves cheering on his local LA Galaxy soccer team.

Aileen Cooper

Sr. Writer, Alt. Health

Aileen writes our alternative health content. She’s an advocate for the health benefits of keeping a high alkaline diet. During her spare time, she’s trying out new vegan recipes, reading on her Kindle, and drinking alkaline water from her new Tyent water ionizer.

Krystle Mullins

Staff Writer

Krystle has recently joined us as a staff writer. She’s passionate about writing on products, brands, and services that have a positive impact on families’ lives. In her free time, she enjoys practicing gymnastics and watching the latest episodes of American Ninja Warrior.